Environmental monitoring of Lake Baikal

Monitoring of hunting resources and their habitats

Irkutsk region

Characteristics of habitat conditions

Winter of 2015 in most regions of BNT was characterised by fairly low temperatures. In the northern areas of BNT the temperature dropped down to - 40 degrees and below, while in the southern areas it dropped down to -30°. At the end of March - beginning of April the extreme temperatures resulted in formation of ice crust. This adversely affected the survival of wild ungulate animals, as it contributed towards their death from the wolves and illegal hunting.

The spring period was distinguished by cold unstable weather. Spring migration of most species of waterfowls went smoothly and fell on the period of authorised hunting for feathery game.

The spring and summer period of 2015 in most parts of BNT was characterised by dry and hot weather that was conducive to forest fire occurence. The most significant damage from forest fires was caused to hunting grounds near-highway districts and the areas adjacent to Lake Baikal. Fires covered from 5 to 12% of the forest area in this district. The impacts of forest fires negatively affected habitats of wild animals.

Conditions in June-July 2015 were favorable for waterfowl and grouse birds’ breeding.

Late spring frosts resulted in the destruction of bacciferous plants’ flowers.

The crop of seeds of cedar and Siberian dwarf pine in most areas of BNT was evaluated as poor. The crop of mushrooms was also low due to the dry summer. Seed production of spruce and fir, in the meantime, was evaluated as “average” and “good” while for pine and larch this indicator was “excellent”.

In general, the feed situation for typical taiga species of game animals (sable, bear) in 2015 was evaluated as unsatisfactory.

Amount of feed for most species of wild ungulates and hares (white hare, brown hare) in the snow-free period was high. It was achieved through availability of significant stocks of woody and herbaceous forages in the overgrown clearings and burnt areas.

The mating period of elks, red deers and roe deers occurred within the expected timeframes. Forest fires and low feed stock for brown bears have caused significant migration of these animals within the territory of BNT. In July - August of 2015 bears appeared in Irkutsk region in the habitats unusual for them.

In general, autumn and winter period of 2015 was notable for little snow. The air temperature in this period corresponded to mean annual indicators.

As before, high impact of anthropogenic factors, including hunting and industrial factors, on the habitat of wild animals is observed in BNT. In virtually every area large-scale timber cutting was carried out and in some areas of BNT exploration and development of mineral deposits intensified, including oil and gas. The territory of these areas is covered by a network of roads and geophysical tracks, which enables for human access to once remote areas and contributes to penetration of wolf into the remote taiga land. Due to anthropogenic factors, especially as a result of industrial forest felling, there is a reduction in the habitats’ area of typical taiga species of animals and birds (squirrels, wood grouse and hazel grouse). Other wild animals, like foxes, on the contrary, are expanding their natural habitat. Sables are coping reasonably well with their habitat’s changing. Traces of this typical taiga animal are often observed in transformed human natural landscapes (burning, felling, sparse forest).

Condition of hunting resources

The change in population of main species of game animals within the boundaries of BNT (in Irkutsk region)
The change in take of main types of game animals within the boundaries of BNT (in Irkutsk region)

Population of main species of game animals within the boundaries of BNT (in Irkutsk region) in 2004-2015