Environmental monitoring of Lake Baikal

Hydro-chemical characteristic of Lake Baikal water
General hydro-chemical characteristic of Lake Baikal water
MPC (maximum permissible concentration):
pH value - 6,5-8,5 units pH;
water colour index - 20 degrees of water colour;
oxygen - not less than 4 mg/l
Mineral content of Lake Baikal water
MPC (maximum permissible concentration): mineral content - 1000 mg/l.
Dynamics of sulphate ions
MPC (maximum permissible concentration): sulphates - 100 mg/l.

The hydro-chemical observations along the longitudinal section of the water area of the lake were performed on all monitored levels (0.5, 25, 50, 100 metres and near-bottom water). General hydro-chemical characteristic of the lake water in 2019 is given on the chart and graphs above.

Source: a review of the status and pollution of environment in Russian Federation in 2019